Monthly Wrap Ups

March Reading Wrap Up – farewell to the longest month in existence

march wrap up

hello friends,

after a very successful march blogging month, i am sliding back into my non-blogging groove and NOT getting anything accomplished blogging-wise but i refuse to let it pull me down, so here we are, 2 weeks late, but a wrap up nonetheless.

March was a great month for me in certain ways. I made my grand blogging return (!!) with 8 posts published I can’t believe I actually managed that?? who is she?? i want her back and was on top of my blog hopping too.

I was able to read 12 books and actually enjoy some movies too we don’t talk about movies here because i don’t know how to be objective with movies. i just watch and go… that made me smile for 0.45 seconds, 5 stars!! give this damn movie an emmy!!

On the other hand, march was the longest month of existence. and also the month the self-isolation really kicked in and this whole virus situation got really serious and since I don’t want to talk about depressing, scary real life things, let’s skip that and get straight to the wrap up.


I read a total of 12 books. 3 physical books 📕, 6 e-books 📱, & 3 audiobooks 🎧
YARC reads will be represented with this emoji: 🍚 i’m currently at 6/50!

Links will take you to my reviews for each book.

mar wrapup1

Continue reading “March Reading Wrap Up – farewell to the longest month in existence”

Tuesday Top 10s

If You Loved, then Try. . . book recommendations – as usual, i’m flooding your tbr

if you loved


I’m so excited to share more recommendations with you guys because, let’s be real, that’s all I have going for my personality right now and given the circumstances of the world we are living in, we all need more reading material

so, I have compiled a list of 10 books to read if you liked a specific, more popular title. I can’t PROMISE that you’re going to love the recommendations bc honestly, I’m not a mind reader BUT i can promise they share similar vibes, themes, and ideas.

alright, on with the post, because i have nothing else of substance to say.

bookshelf - blue



Continue reading “If You Loved, then Try. . . book recommendations – as usual, i’m flooding your tbr”


My Good Reading Habits – gather around, i’m sharing all my reading secrets

reading habits


I think with reading 200 books a year, I have gotten some credibility when it comes to giving out reading tips. this is my biggest accomplishment okay, even if you don’t like me, you have to give me this and so in this very post, I will share some techniques that will change your reading game this is not guaranteed to work for everyone as I am not a miracle worker.

Thank you to Caitlin for tagging me. Caitlin offered some really great tips you can apply to boost your reading game, so it’s very important that you check out her post. She also happens to be one of the most amazing, inspiring, bloggers out there 🥺🥺 just saying.

The rules for this tag are quite simple. Link back to the creator of this tag, Ally, list some of your good reading habits, and tag some wonderful, lovely human beings. so wholesome.

So here we go.


Continue reading “My Good Reading Habits – gather around, i’m sharing all my reading secrets”


Recreating my Favourite Book Covers: the lunar chronicles edition


So, I had this interesting idea to merge together two things that I passionately love: Books + Art, and create a really interesting post. But along the way, it kind of……lost direction, and I kind of don’t know what the PURPOSE of this is anymore.

But I’m going to go along with it and see what comes out of it because I spent entirely too much time and suffered too much neck pain for this to go to waste

So, from the title of this post you can see this is about:

Drawing My Favourite Author’s Book Covers

and my initial plan was for this to be more of a challenge, so here are the rules that I wrote down but didn’t entirely abide by

bookshelf - purple Continue reading “Recreating my Favourite Book Covers: the lunar chronicles edition”

Monthly Wrap Ups

February Wrap Up – a direct miss at an attempted fantasy month

feb wrap up

so see what happened was that, my best friend (hi little bee!! 🥺) and i decided that we would make february the month of high-fantasies. and while the intention was completely there, it turned out to be the month of ignoring fantasies bc as you will see, i,,,,,only read 2 fantasy books for the entire month.

granted i did manage to complete a 1200+ paged brandon sanderson, but AFTER that, i literally went on the biggest contemporary binge ever and i think that’s the best example of what comes of me trying to set a strict tbr.

RIP to my beautiful 10+ fantasy book TBR, we had hope but you didn’t come through.


I read a total of 12 books. 4 physical books 📕, 4 e-books 📱, & 4 audiobooks 🎧
YARC reads will be represented with this emoji: 🍚 i’m currently at 4/50!

Links will take you to my reviews for each book.

feb wrap up1

Continue reading “February Wrap Up – a direct miss at an attempted fantasy month”


🍚 Year of the Asian Reading Challenge – #YARC2020

Year of the Asian, a 2020 Reading Challenge. Hosted by CW, Lily, Shealea, and Vicky

i’m so excited to say that i will, once again, be participating in the Year of the Asian reading challenge this year!! #YARC2020 is hosted by the wonderful lily @sprinkles of dreams, shealea @shut up shealea , cw @ the quiet pond, and vicky @vicky who reads

if you don’t already know, YARC is a year long challenge to read as many books by Asian authors as you possibly can! there are really cute stickers to celebrate each level you achieve and i found it to be really chill and easygoing that is to say, you should join!!

last year, i somehow managed to successfully grab the Bengali Tiger by reading more than 50 books by asian authors.

Continue reading “🍚 Year of the Asian Reading Challenge – #YARC2020”

Monthly Wrap Ups

January Reading Wrap Up – a great start to the reading year

jan wrap up

we made it to 2020 y’all!!!!! (technically we did 3 months ago, but pretend along with me, will you?)

yes, i’m aware this is very late and i should not even be posting, but see the thing is, i’ve read some amazing books in january and absolutely had to share them with you guys because i Need to know your thoughts on them or convince you to read them if they have not yet crossed your radar.

and okay, maybe this is a little presumptuous, but i THINK i may have found some *gasp* new favourites of the year, already!!! so let’s get on with the books


I read a total of 15 books. 5 physical books 📕, 4 e-books 📱, & 6 audiobooks 🎧
YARC reads will be represented with this emoji: 🍚

Links will take you to my reviews for each book.

jan wrapup1

Continue reading “January Reading Wrap Up – a great start to the reading year”


Blogging and Me – our toxic relationship 😷


Okay, so maybe the title is exaggerating the sliiiiightest bit.

the toxic part of this relationship is me ghosting on my little blog baby every few months and my blog accepting me back everytime I return and say ‘im sorry I’ll never leave you again like that’ because like really, it’s a blog, it doesn’t have much of a say in anything I do

Ever since I started this blog, I always felt like I was moving against this invisible force. I don’t know why, but I think I put a lot of personal mental pressure on myself this is a reoccurring theme in my life to make my blog the ~*best*~ it could be

And clearly, it wasn’t working.

Continue reading “Blogging and Me – our toxic relationship 😷”

Monthly Wrap Ups

Wrapping Up the Year: a look into the highs and lows of my 2019 reading career

featured image

hiiiiiiiii book friends!!

In my absolute fashion, I am 5 months late on publishing this post and i considered staying hidden in my hole of sadness and unproductivity and not post at all, but you see, even i am not that pathetic. and also ok, maybe I already had the graphics drawn and there was no point in wasting my work

i miss you all VERY VERY VERY much and i will have an entire post dedicated to my disappearance and hopefully some ways to stop that from happening again. but until then, know that I’ve missed you terribly and am so happy to be back!!

and now without anymore delay, i present to you, my…..

Much More than Top 10 Books of 2019 (and of course the Worst books too)

a quick look at my stats:


Continue reading “Wrapping Up the Year: a look into the highs and lows of my 2019 reading career”


Genre Deep Dive: Mystery/Thriller – time to embrace your inner sherlock holmes, we’ve got mysteries to solve


last month, I introduced a new series if you will to my blog called “Genre Deep Dive” in which we explored a beginner’s guide to the High Fantasy genre. If you want to see the first segment of this series, you can read it HERE


a quick recap on what this series is all about and why it exists:

📌 after reading almost exclusively young adult fiction for the past 4 years, i wanted to branch out and become a cultured potato try genres out of my comfort zone

📌 with the intention of cataloguing my feelings, experiences, and thoughts on these books in a beneficial way, i decided to make this into a series where i explore 10 books from a genre

📌 i won’t be reviewing these books from a personal standpoint, i want to make this series a guide of sorts and approachable for everyone, especially people who are new to the genre and want to know where to start 

📌 so i will list pros and cons for each book yes, even the ones i love dearly, i had to CRUSH my biased feelings and be objective about it. such a sad choice.

📌 basically, i’m doing all the hard work for you so the least you could do is read my favourites from the list and come cry with me about them??? it could work like group therapy 😊

📌 alsoooo, all the graphics featured in this post were drawn by moi and i’m very proud of how they LOOK and it’s made me so excited to keep practicing and sharing my art in these kind of posts

magnifying glass

and here we go, with our deep dive into *Mystery/Thriller*

Continue reading “Genre Deep Dive: Mystery/Thriller – time to embrace your inner sherlock holmes, we’ve got mysteries to solve”