
The Rising Author Tag

book tag finals

I knew there would be a point in my life when i would regret befriending this duck and i think i have found it. It’s right now.


Checkmate, may, checkmate. i better get an arc for this

feather 2

~ What is your current WIP about, and what’s its status? (ie. plotting, writing, editing, etc.) ~

Yeesh, it seems like we’re gonna be talking a whollleeee lot about this trash story today yikes. My current WIP which is taking me absolutely forever and even i’m confused what it really is, so i’m just gonna paste the synopsis i wrote for Nano and if you have any complaint, blame past me:

Set in historic Middle East, a girl searches for her family under the cloak of night. Her parents and brother are forced into a life of slavery and as years pass by, her desperation to find them grows more critical.

I’m still in the process of writing the first draft! Yay for me! It’s been so long someone send help I need to get it done. Im about like 75% done with the length but ughhghghg idk how to end books.


~ Do you plot things out and/or outline, or just figure it out as you write? ~

I mean generally….i plot things out in the head and ill make little jot notes on my rough, rough draft to re-jog my memory when the time comes. But yeah, im not like those super prepared people who have these huge detailed outlines (honestly I wish I was, it would save me from so many headaches)

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~ What are some book ideas you want to write in the future? ~


I have a lot of those. Like a lot.

I really want to be exploring my culture both in fantasy and in contemporary. Not sure how im going to be able to manage it with the pace im leading right now but hey a girl can dream.

I’ve also written about mental illnesses when I was younger and even tho theyre total trash (im taking all the awful tropes, and my writing was horrid) it is something super important to me and I’d likkkkeee to write about it more….i just probably need to do a lot more research.

Great, more homework for me.


~ Out of the characters you’ve written so far, who are your favorites? ~


okay but there is a special baby who is dear to my heart and I absolutely ADORE writing in his pov. Not only bc he’s my little sunshine child but also because he’s got this goofy, annoying, sarcastic wit about him and I just LOOOOOVVVEEE coming into his character.

But I don’t give him as much page time as he deserves :|soz

We’ll refer to him as F for now okay, no more on that.

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~ What’s your writing routine, if any? (ie. snacks, music, time of day, location, etc.) ~



I wouldn’t be able to inform you since I haven’t written in AGES but for nano I got onto this really awesome system of writing in the evening, with only my lamp light on and background sound (rain, thunder, stream, and trees oNLY) and it was working pretty well for me.

Maybe I should get back to that…


~ Show your WIP’s aesthetic in images or words (or both)! ~

Hey something I’ve already done! Yay me.

sn1 actual

i spent too long making this^

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~ What (or who) motivates you to write? ~

Wow this is deep. I don’t know what really motivated me to write. I’ve pretty much always loved reading and always loved writing.

I might have to say my mom since she kind of nurtured the need to write in me from when I was like 6 (she would tell me to type my stories out on word and then she’d help me print them on pages back to back bc I was a basic bixch who didn’t know how to do that and then we’d staple them and id draw illustrations to go with them. wow I sound like a tumblr kid I promise they werent that interesting)


~ What do you find is the easiest part about writing? The hardest? ~

Easiest part about writing is nothing and the hardest part is everything. Ha

Okay no, for reals easiest I think would be writing dialogue, I pretty much love that, until it becomes cringey and then im crying

And the hardest part is most definitely building a proper plot and stringing everything together. I really struggle with the plot bc im a very “plan-as-you-write” person. I should probably take writing lessons or attend a seminar or something.


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~ What genre will you never try, and why? ~

Aside from like…erotica, the only thing I can think of would be mysteries or thrillers. I’m just not the type of person who watches or reads much thrillers (I get scared easily okay) so not only is my grasp of the genre small but I just….dont think I can create a mystery that would get anyone shook.


~ Share a tiny (or large) snippet/excerpt of your writing, if you’re comfortable! ~

Sigghhhhh, I hate you, may, I hate you a lot.

This is an excerpt from a chapter that i really loved writing. it’s kinda all over the place and needs hella editing (and i took the names out :)) but i really really loved this one.

enjoy 😐

(the bromance)



(and now the actual ship)


they need SO MUCH editing but going through it is making me miss writing so im going to shut up now.

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so thanks to may for tagging me and consequently ruining my life.

i’m supposed to tag people and i really dont want to pressure anyone into talking about their WIP unless they want to (also i dont want to double tag anyone, that’s the ONLY reason i didnt list every one of my friends) so feel bloody free to completely ignore the questions im posing below. (but if you want, i’ll greedily accept whatever little snippets i can get)

naturally, im tagging ANYONE who wants to share but to name a few writer friends of mine, Han, Iryna, Ilsa, retagging may (youre welcome :)), Silvia, Emma, and Kimi,

My Questions:

  1. When did you start writing your current WIP and how far are you through it?
  2. Who/what inspired you to write about it?
  3. What is your favourite genre(s) to write and why?
  4. Which author inspires you the most?
  5. Name five random facts about your WIP.
  6. How do you deal with writer’s block?
  7. Share a snippet. 😉
  8. Have you considered what a cover would look like? If so, describe please.
  9. What techniques do you use to make each of your characters unique?
  10. Whats brings you the most satisfaction as a writer?


okay lovely muffins, i should probably end this here.

see ya,


48 thoughts on “The Rising Author Tag”

  1. may literally made it a rule not to tack bag BUT LOOK WHAT U DO REBEL

    ahem AGHH YOUR WIP SOUNDS SO GOOD. THE. AESTHETIC. It reminds me of City of brass but like,, BETTER OKAy? Because i hated city of trash so so MUCH but I KNOW WHEN THIS GETS PUBLISHED IT WILL BE GOOD OKE? and the snippets AGHHH I NEED MORE ABOUT THE CHARACTERS also their names 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your WIP sounds so good omg???
    Thank you so much for tagging me my dear 💞 I’m not actively working on a WIP atm even though I have a few that I’ve either been thinking about for a while or I’ve started writing but I temporarily put aside for when I’m more in the mood to write. I’m going to keep this tag in my drafts in case I have some more material to share in the future 😘❤

    Liked by 1 person

    also can I just,,,,75% through?? How???
    im not even 20% through on mine what is this sorcery

    Liked by 1 person

      1. i kind of regret commenting because i got tagged buT ITS OKAY THESE ARE THE SACRIFICES I MAKE TO LET THE WORLD KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE MAY’S WRITING

        ive been outlining for a year,,,A YEAR,, and im still not done

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Aww, thanks so much for the tag, May!! (I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner, life’s just been a bit of a mess lately and I kinda took an unplanned break from WordPress.) But, I love this tag, omg. AND YOUR WIP SOUNDS AMAZING OKAY I REALLY WANT AN ARC.

    Seriously, though, your writing looks awesome and I hope you feel good about it. 😉

    I’ll be sure to get to this soon! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    only you could write such a mysterious post on your wip i’m desperate for details

    the young adult canon needs this book may. may. they need it. may. listen

    Liked by 1 person

  6. May, I love love love you snippets! I NEED MOAR!
    Also, I think I will do this even though I haven’t worked on wip for a couple weeks. lol. Someone remind me to do this!

    Liked by 1 person

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