
The “Nope” Book Tag!


I’ve actually been meaning to do with tag for quite some time. Ever since I started watching A Booktube Book’s channel (shes become one of my favourite booktubers!) and found her to be the originator of this tag (i believe so) I was like damn need to get on this tag asap and I didn’t bc im a loser and other things but NOW I WAS TAGGED by a darling little muffin (<-you should totally check her out btw, shes adroable) so let’s dish out the salt.

ALSO don’t worry, there will be no spoilers, imma just keep everything vauge.


~ Nope Ending: a book ending that made you go nope either in denial, rage, or simply because the ending was crappy. ~

Oh my God, okay so, this is going to have to be Royal Bastards bc the ending pissed me off. Wait, no I’m not saying that right, there NOT-ending, pissed me off.



and bam, book done.




~ Nope Protagonist: a main character you dislike and drives you crazy. ~

There’s a lot of these ones. But I’m going to chose Dimple, from When Dimple Met Rishi. This book was the disappointment of the year for me and while I can excuse a lot of things, I can’t excuse Dimple’s behaviour. omg. She’s annoying and borderline abusive and a wrote a whole rant for it here. 🙂



~ Nope Series: a series that turned out to be a huge pile of nope after you’ve invested all of that time and energy on it (or a series you gave up on because it wasn’t worth it anymore ~

Typically, if I don’t like a book, I don’t continue with the series bc doing otherwise. . .doesn’t make much sense. But the only series that comes to mind is the Grisha trilogy.

shadow and bone

I finished book 2 (thought I have zero recollection of what happens) and JUST I COULDN’T STAND IT. But bc I have a problem and want to be included in the new Nikolai series, my bestie and I will be rereading book 2 and 3 and I can tell you folks, im not SUPER excited for it 😐 she forced me to do it with her


~Nope Pairing: a “ship” you don’t support~

My instant answer was going to be the Shatter Me Series but with more thought (and bc I’ve trashed that series a lot) I’m going to go with Wonder Woman: Warbringer bc honestly I felt nothing between the two of them. and like I’M NOT USUALLY ONE TO HATE SHIPS. Most of the time, I’m shipping everything I see in sight, rocks, birds, etc. So to not ship these two is kinda a big deal for meh.



~Nope Plot twist: a twist you didn’t see coming and didn’t like.~

Hmmm, probably the Nevernight twist. It makes sense and I understand the reasoning behind it buT HOW ABOUT FRICKEN NO JAY KRISTOFF, HOW ABOUT EFFING NO. nevernight_full_hires


~ Nope Genre: a genre you will never read. ~

I don’t typically like to cross an entire genre off my reading list (yes i’m even talking about boring o’l fiction) but I can say with some certainty that I have zero interest in ever reading a book in the erotic genre.

I’ll just….pass.


~Nope Book format: book formatting you hate and avoid buying until it comes out in a different addition.~

I don’t..do this. But I do freak out when a book is HUGE in size and when you open it the font IS SO SMALL LIKE HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO READ THIS??


~Nope Trope: a trope that makes you go nope.~

The obvious answer would be the love-triangle trope. But let’s be a little creative and say the special-snowflake. That one gets me every time.

But hey I have a lot more to say on this topic so maybe I’ll transform it into it’s own post.


~ Nope Recommendation: a book recommendation that is constantly pushed at you that you simply refuse to read. ~

I mean, after 19 years without it, I’ve finally been forced to read Harry Potter and let me tell you kids, it’s. . .not that great so far (I’M ON BOOK 5 OKAY DON’T KILL ME)

Aside from that, there aren’t may reccs that I would refuse to read.


~Nope Cliche: a cliche or writing pet peeve that always makes you roll your eyes.~

Again, I’m not TOO particular on writing styles. Obviously I can’t stand when an author’s writing is dreary, that can ruin a book for me. But I generally am cool with most things.


when the love interest is first introduced in the book and its like THE WORLD STOPPED and the MC turns to stare at him and his hair is flopping in the wind and their eyes lock and she get chills and they know that’s it, this is the one I’m marrying

meanwhile i’m over here, chucking the book out the window, bc N O


~Nope Love interest: the love interest that’s not worthy of being one.~

The guy from November 9. My goodness, when I read that book I was all heart eyes for it and then recently I read a review where someone listed all the crap the love interest did (he was forceful and manipulative) and then I went 😐 oh no he’s basically an a*shole how did i miss that???

if anyone cares, here’s a link to the in depth review.

Image result for november 9 cover


~Nope Book: a book that shouldn’t have existed.~

First, second, and third books in the Selection series should have been one book 🙂

but my real answer is Forbidden because it’s messed up and gross and there are other ways to show how neglect impacts children than resorting to incest. bye felicia @ book

Related image


~ Nope Villain: a villain you would hate to cross.~

Uhh, Maeve from Throne of Glass, the binch, she can choke.


~ Nope Death: a character death that still haunts you.~

I’m not gonna say who but like Female of the Species. Why the heck 🙂 🙂 just 🙂 why 🙂 the 🙂 heck 🙂



~ Nope Author: an author you had a bad experience reading and have decided to quit. ~

I read one of Miranda Kenneally’s books a really long time ago and I found it so predictable and cliche and since then I’ve just never read any of her books nor do I plan on it. 😐




Have a great weekend everyone,


25 thoughts on “The “Nope” Book Tag!”

  1. YAY! OMG, these answers are so much better than mine, and so funny, May! And *blush* Me? A darling little muffin? 😊

    I totally agree with you about The Female of the Species, the book crushed me. And, I get you on the special snowflake trope; it’s gets old after awhile. 😕

    Liked by 1 person

    And thanks for tagging me, I cant wait to trash Mal *cough* I mean books i didnt like

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “The Soul Sister” ❤ ❤ ❤ I'll make sure to add this to the top of my list! Thanks for the tag! Btw, I'm totally with you on huge tomes tiny text thing, and the Nov. 9 reflection after the fact. I think I 4-starred that and then everyone was like think again…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. hey wow this is great!!! pretty excited to read this special snowflake post you’ve promised in writing to make!!!! gonna be fab can’t wait!!!!!

    thanks for the pressure increase i guess

    Liked by 1 person

  5. GREAT answers – I love it when you’re ranting all over your posts, hahahaha. I have to admit that erotica is a genre I don’t think I’ll ever read, either. Nope, no, nada, not for meeeeee at all ahah. Also,… I haven’t read The Female of the Species, but now… I’m intrigued for some reason?! Would you recommend it or not at all? I’m confused ahahha.
    Thank you for the tag!! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh pshhhh, you’re too kind.
      girl honestly same. like not to marginalize anyone but like the erotic genre is basically books without plot oops

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I was pissed at the ending of the Grisha trilogy. I wasted so much time and energy only to have that BS of an ending.
    Nooooo May. HP is amazing! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I read Royal Bastards a few weeks ago and was less than impressed. The first half of the book seemed pretty creative…and the second half of the book just threw everything out the window in a nonsensical manner.

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